LLP Form 9 – Consent to act as Designated Partner
Form 9
[See rule 7 and 10(8)]
Consent to act as Designated Partner
…………………….. LLP
Subject : Consent to act as Designated Partner
I …………………….. hereby give my consent to act as Designated Partner of the …………………… pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Act.
Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN) | |
Name | |
Father’s /Husband’s Name | |
Present residential address | |
e-mail ID | |
Name of the Partnership Firm OR LLPIN & Name of Limited Liability Partnership OR CIN & Name of the Company OR Name of any other body corporate whose nominee the designated partner is |
I hereby state that I satisfy the conditions and requirements for being eligible to be a designated partner and I have not been disqualified to act as designated partner.
Date: ………………… Signature of Designated Partner:
Place: ………………….. DIN: