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How to choose a Name for your Company

Company Name Ideas

A name describes as and differentiate us from others. It is our identity. It is the basis of our goodwill. At the time of developing idea about a company, we also will think about naming it. However naming a company is not that much easy. We should consider different aspects while choosing a name for our business.

The availability of a domain name should not be the base of naming our business. The name should be unique, and differ from existing company name. The name must not be registered under any trademark class. The Registrar will reject the name application , if the same is against naming guidelines, Emblems and Names (Prevention and Improper Use) Act, 1950, Trademark Act and Companies Act 2013


In the following cases registrar / CRC may reject the name application

  1. If the name is just a mere addition of suffix or prefix to the existing company name like New, Modern, Nav, Shri, Sri, Shree, Sree, Om, Jai, Sai, The.  For eg. The tata Motors Private Limited, Kerala Tata Motors Private Limited, My Tata Motors Private Limited, Tatas Motors Private Limited, Tata Kerala Motors Private Limited. If the proposed company has a no-objection resolution/letter from an existing company with similar name, Registrar may accept the same. Different combination of the same words does not make a name distinguishable from an existing name, e.g., if there is a company in existence by the name of “Builders and Contractors Limited”, the name “Contractors and Builders Limited” shall not be allowed unless it is change of name of existing company. However similar names will be permissible for two different businesses. For eg. ABC Motors Private Limited will be permitted even if ABC Constructions Private Limited is a registered Company, subject to Trademark registration.
  2. If the name is identical to a Registered / applied Trademark, in the similar business activity class
  3. If the name containing name starts with any State or Nation or Public Sector Undertakings etc. For eg. Kerala Tata Motors Private Limited.
  4. If the name starts with words like Bharath, Hindusthan, National, India, Indian, World etc
  5. Using of common names for the business unless there is a strong reason for doing so. For eg, Dhir Textiles Private Limited or Apple Technology Private Limited or Chennai Security Private Limited
  6. If the words like – company, and company, co., co, corporation, corp, corpn, corp., appearing at the end of the names. For eg. ABC Motor Corporation
  7. using different phonetic spellings or spelling variations of existing Company Name or Trademark . For example, P.Q. Industries limited is existing then P and Q Industries or Pee Que Industries or P n Q Industries or P & Q Industries shall not be allowed 
  8. if the name includes any word or words which are offensive to any section of the people
  9. if the name is identical with or too nearly resembles the name of a limited liability partnership in liquidation or the name of a limited liability partnership which is struck off up to a period of five years;


Before choosing any name, one can follow these

  1. prepare a list of names
  2. use of other language names, like Spanish, Latin etc, but the same should be unique.
  3. Addition of objects or Activity with the name. The name shall be able to describe the object of the company. For eg ABC Software Private Limited
  4. Avoid common words such us bluechip, global, best, glittering etc
  5. Block domain name only after getting name approval from registrar
  6. Obtaining of sectoral approvals if the company is a Financial or Investment or Banking or NBFC or Portfolio Company and name should include the activity also.
  7. Check Trademark Registry, to find if any trademark in the selected name exists
  8. Use MCA Name Search, to ensure no Companies registered with Similar Name
  9. Search in the internet, whether there is any similar name exists
  10. Approach your Biswas Filing Service advisor for checking and finalizing of Name

Biswas Filing Service is a pre and post business registration compliance management service provider. We are a group of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries and Advocates based in Thiruvananthapuram. Our aim is to register start-ups, micro, small and medium business at an affordable cost, by limiting our charges, in order to provide a support for the budding businesses. We are delivering a wide range of services to the business enterprises in Kerala, including Company Registration, Limited Liability Partnership Registration, Partnership Firm Registration, OPC Registration, GST Registration and Filing, Accounting and Book Keeping Services and Filing firm. We have been helping out business entrepreneurs and enthusiasts to set up and launch a lucrative business in Kerala. Through our in-depth knowledge of the industry and multiple years of expertise in the given field, we have helped hundreds of clients from different corners. We have tailor made solutions for all your business problems at an affordable cost, with an expert customer care.


Gayatri Dhote

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